Smoothie King

I need help migrating my Smoothie King points or have a question about my points balance in the new loyalty program

How do I transfer my points?

Once you download the Smoothie King app, the app will ask you to create an account. The app will ask you to enter your telephone number to migrate your points over. If you used your phone number to accrue points in the past, enter it in the phone number in that field and hit the "Add Points" button. If you initially skip this step, you can access this field later from your app settings - visit the "Transfer Points" tab in your app settings to migrate your points.

Where can I find my points once they are transferred and what do I do if it doesn't look like all my points were transferred?
Once you've migrated your points, you should be able to review them in the rewards section of your app found at the bottom of the home screen. In the Smoothie King rewards program, you'll earn $2 for every 2,500 points earned. If you've transferred more than 2,500 points, some of your points will be transferred into rewards! Therefore if for example, you transfer 4,000 points after downloading the app, 2,500 of those points will become a $2 reward (tap on your rewards tab and at the bottom of the screen you will see your available rewards), and the remaining 1,500 points would be reflected in the app towards your next reward.
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